Vanta Integration 1.0
Our integration with Vanta is now available for general use. Haekka and Vanta will automatically sync employee training, eliminating the need for manual documentation of training.
Training Owners
In this release, we are introducing training owners. As our customer base has expanded, we have observed increased usage across multiple departments. This can lead to certain admins not wanting to be notified of training completion that is outside of their department. However, they still want to be notified of training completion that is within their department.
Training owners provide a solution to this problem by only notifying relevant owners of certain changes. As of today, the person who creates a training is the first designated training owner. Admins have the ability to add other admins as training owners, so they can also receive notifications of changes.
Improved Renewal
Today, we're releasing an improved training renewal process that will allow organizations to migrate existing training to a new curriculum with the simple click of a button. Here's how it works:
For training with an active curriculum, renewals will simply happen at their designated time. No action is required. Here's what that renewal will look like 👇

For training with an archived curriculum, training owners will receive a message 7 days, 3 days, and 1 day before the renewal is to take place. These messages will look like this 👇

If you don't respond to this first message by clicking "Migrate my employees", we will send another message 3 days and 1 day before the renewal. If you do not migrate employees by the renewal date, the training will fail to renew automatically.
If you would like to renew a training with an archived curriculum, you can navigate to that training in the dashboard, and renew it manually.
- When changing Slack settings, changes are now saved automatically
- When sending Stream posts, images were expiring after a certain amount of time. They no longer expire
- Performance improvements made to the Employees in the dashboard
- Security improvements made throughout the product
- Adding images to an engagement was intermittently not working. That's been fixed
That's it for now! If you need any help, or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.