🌥️ Add users to a training via CSV
You can now upload a CSV with user emails. We'll then correlate those emails to Slack users, and then assign those employees training. To find this new feature, navigate to a training → click the options menu → click Assign Employees → click the "Manually" tab. There you'll find the new CSV option. Click "Select a CSV" file → find the file you want to upload → and then click "Upload".

🔁 Copy users from another training
We've also added the ability to copy users from one training to another. In the same "Manually" tab as the CSV upload, you'll now have the option to select a training to copy users from.
✍️ Improved Evidence Downloads
This release also brings improvements to our evidence download feature. Here is what's new:
- If you have training that renews, you can now select which period you want evidence for
- The report now includes new information for renewal period, as well as improved copy

🤫 Turn Off Training Assignment Message
With increase usage in our API, we're introducing a new feature that allows admins to assign training to users without alerting them of assignment. Training assignment alerts are on by default. However, inside of the assign users modal you can turn them off. See the GIF below: