💥 In this release, we're excited to announce a major improvement to Haekka Streams, our automated way to deliver continuous and relevant content to employees in Slack.
Welcome to the release notes for Haekka 3.2.0. We've made some major improvements to the product that we're excited to share. Read on for full details.
For over a year now, we've been delivering topical weekly content to thousands of users in Slack. When we first launched this feature we called it "Security Tips and Topics". If you're a current subscriber to Tips and Topics you've seen those weekly messages on Fridays.
Our goal for this type of content is to...
Deliver real-world examples of cybersecurity incidents so that employees can relate actual examples to the training that they take. Research has proven that real-world examples increase comprehension and overall security hygiene.
Second, we want to help organizations engage their staff year-round. We know many companies conduct security awareness and other compliance training on an annual basis. In reality, employees should be reviewing this type of content more frequently. However, we don't want it to be a burden. That's why we feel that sending a short, helpful message each week about a different security topic can have tremendous impact on keeping your organization secure.
So, what's the change?
Several major improvements to Tips and Topics are introduced in this release.
First, we've officially changed the name to "Streams". The reason for this change is that we'll eventually have many Streams of content that organizations can subscribe to. We're starting with our Security Digest Stream. In the coming months we'll introduce a Security Awareness Stream (think traditional Security Awareness topics, but spread out throughout the year) as well as a Healthcare/HIPAA related Stream. We also have plans for a general privacy and confidentiality Stream.
Second, Streams can now be managed in the Haekka Web Dashboard. Previous to this release, organization admins had no control over Streams. They simply subscribed their entire company, or they didn't. Now, admins can choose which Streams they'd like to subscribe to and which users should get which Stream. Beyond that, admins can also see:
- How many users received a Stream post
- How many users acknowledged a Stream post
- What average rating users gave the Stream post (out of 3 stars)
In addition to the metrics above, admins can also elect to review Stream posts before they are sent. This gives the admins the ability to approve, skip and even edit the Stream post content.

For any existing Tips and Topics subscribers, we've automatically migrated your subscription to Streams, so there's no action required on your end. When you log into the Haekka Web Dashboard you'll see a new option in the navigation menu for Streams. Inside that view you can see your Stream subscriptions, manage users, see upcoming posts, and review previously sent content.
If you're not currently receiving Streams content, but would like to, please contact us to have it enabled for your account.
Available Streams
- Security Digest (Free): A weekly Stream that takes real-world cybersecurity events and places them in the context of a security awareness topic. We recommend this Stream to all organizations — build a security mindset with a short, weekly, topical lesson.
- Cybersecurity Awareness Month (Free): A stream dedicated to National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). Included are 3 short messages delivered each week based on a weekly topic — passwords, phishing, software updates, and multi-factor authentication. This Stream runs for 4 weeks every October.
Other Updates
- Improvement: Within the training catalog we've added a "Demo this course" button to each training. This allows you to view the training content without having to assign it.
- Bug fix: When removing an admin often multiple notifications were produced. This is fixed now.
That's it for now. If you have any questions, issues, or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.