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Haekka Public API Documentation

Welcome to Haekka's Public API documentation!

Step 1 - Key Generation

The first step is to contact us to have API access turned on for your account. Once it's on, you can generate a new API key. Be sure to give it an accurate name, and to store the key in a safe place. We do not store API keys for you. If you lose one, you will need to regenerate it.

Step 2 - Make Your First API Call

Once you have a key, you can make your first API call to ensure that it works. Here's a quick example using Postman.

Inside of Postman, open a new tab and select "Headers". Add a new key for "Authorization" and a value of "Bearer {{key}}". If you hover over the key variable, it will ask you to create a new variable. Go ahead and do that and input the key from Step 1.

In the request input, paste the following URL https://app.haekka.com/api/public/employees/. This will allow you to grab a list of your users.

Available Routes

GET /employees


This endpoint returns a list of all active employees within a company.

GET /employees/:employee_id


This endpoint returns employee related data for a specific employee.

GET /trainings


This endpoint returns all trainings associated with a company.

GET /trainings/:training_id


This endpoint returns data related to a specific training.

GET /employee_trainings


This endpoint returns all employee trainings objects within a company.

GET /employee_trainings/:employee_training_id


This endpoint returns a specific employee training instance.

PATCH /employee_trainings/:employee_training_id

This updates a specific employee's training. Currently, we only support updating completion_status (true or false) and completion_rate (0 - 100). Note: if a request contains both completion_status and completion_rate in the payload, completion_status will override completion_rate to 100.


POST trainings/assign/


This API endpoint facilitates the assignment of Training to Employees. It requires 'training_id' and 'employee_ids' fields in the request payload. Additionally, there is an optional 'alert_employees' boolean field. If set, it determines whether the employees will be notified about their new training assignments. By default, 'alert_employees' is set to 'true'.

Example payload: { "training_id": "XXXXXXXX-a1c9-4643-8d28-220c0f8aXXXX", "employee_ids": [ "XXXXXXXX-c4bf-433b-bcef-ecf2cd08XXXX", "XXXXXXXX-118b-4b30-9ba3-f8e91920XXXX" ], "alert_employees": false}

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