# Missing Human Risk from US National Cybersecurity Strategy
July 24, 2023
Here are 5 bullet points that summarize the post:
The US National Cybersecurity Strategy of 2023 is a comprehensive document that outlines the government's approach to securing the nation's digital infrastructure. The strategy is designed to address the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape and the growing threats posed by state and non-state actors.
One notable aspect of the strategy is the lack of focus on people as potential risks. The document acknowledges that end-users bear a significant burden in mitigating cyber risks, but it does not provide any concrete steps to alleviate this burden. This is a concerning omission, as individuals, small businesses, and state and local governments often lack the resources and expertise to adequately secure their systems.
The strategy rightly notes that a single person's momentary lapse in judgment or use of an outdated password should not have national security consequences. However, it fails to provide a clear path forward in terms of how to address this issue. It is the responsibility of the owners and operators of the systems that hold our data and make our society function, as well as of the technology providers that build and service these systems, to ensure their security.
The government's role is to protect its own systems, ensure private entities are protecting their systems, and carry out core governmental functions such as engaging in diplomacy, collecting intelligence, imposing economic costs, enforcing the law, and conducting disruptive actions to counter cyber threats.
Industry and government must work together to drive effective and equitable collaboration to correct market failures, minimize the harms from cyber incidents to society's most vulnerable, and defend our shared digital ecosystem. This requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders to prioritize cybersecurity and take concrete steps to secure our digital infrastructure.
While the US National Cybersecurity Strategy of 2023 is a step in the right direction, it falls short in addressing the issue of people as potential risks. It is imperative that industry and government work together to prioritize cybersecurity and address this critical issue to ensure the security and resilience of our digital ecosystem.
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